Soil & Repotting



Why should you use Bonsai soil? 

  • Encourages healthy root development.
  • No more overwatering.
  • Helps with root aeration.
  • Doesn't compact.
  • No more root rot.

Why don't we use potting soil?

Potting Soil is especially bad for container grown plants due to the following reasons:

  • Holds too much water for a long period of time (trees like to dry out a bit in between watering.)
  • Attracts weeds.
  • Attracts insects.
  • Doesn’t allow the root system to breath.


Repotting your Bonsai

When repotting your Bonsai, you can either remove the old soil and trim the root ball carefully back and replant it in the same-sized pot or you can repot it into a bigger pot if you feel that the tree is not getting enough space to grow.

In the YouTube video below Jerome explains how to repot a tree.